Feb 9, 2017

Senior Cap and Gowns!

Seniors have received a packet from SDGRAD.COM this week regarding cap & gowns, class rings and other senior announcements.  Caps & Gowns can be purchased for $28 or rented for $0!!! Loaner gowns must be ordered by April 15th.  If getting a loaner, all pieces including the tassel must be returned 30 minutes after the graduation ceremony or you will be fined $28.  You cannot keep the tassel on a loaner gown set.  You cannot buy parts of the cap and gown set; all the pieces are sold as a set.  If you want a tassel souvenir, you must buy an extra tassel online. Prices are set online until February 15th and go up afterwards. You can mail in the order form or order online at SDGRAD.COM.


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