Come out and enjoy an evening of football for the whole family as the Monte Vista Monarchs take on the Christian Patriots. JV game starts at 4:30pm and Varsity kicks-off at 7:00pm. There is also a special half-time scrimmage by the Los Toros Youth Football Program. Tickets are $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children 6 - 8 yrs old and Free Admission for children under 5 and students with ASB cards.
Aug 28, 2016
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms - Due Sept. 2nd
Posted on
Sunday, August 28, 2016
ALL PARENTS - Please fill out our 2016 - 2017 Free and Reduced Lunch Application.
Monte Vista's status as a Title I school is dependent upon the number of families that complete the form and qualify for aid. As a Title I school we receive government funding that allows us to enrich the curriculum with Advanced Placement, AVID and other support courses. Monte Vista needs every parent to apply. CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE APPLICATION or pick up a paper version in the Guidance Office or Student Support Center. In order to avoid any disruptions in your student's ability to receive food, please apply before September 2nd, 2016.
Monte Vista's status as a Title I school is dependent upon the number of families that complete the form and qualify for aid. As a Title I school we receive government funding that allows us to enrich the curriculum with Advanced Placement, AVID and other support courses. Monte Vista needs every parent to apply. CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE APPLICATION or pick up a paper version in the Guidance Office or Student Support Center. In order to avoid any disruptions in your student's ability to receive food, please apply before September 2nd, 2016.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Title 1
Monte Vista Students Contribute to Community
Posted on
Sunday, August 28, 2016
The East County California has been following the positive interactions of Monte Vista students and the East County Youth Coalition with the Case de Oro community. To read the full article written on August 24th, 2016 - click HERE.
In the News
November Ballot - Measure BB
Posted on
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Measure BB is a local Proposition 39 General Obligation school bond measure on the November 8, 2016, Presidential General Election ballot seeking voter authorization to complete needed repairs and upgrades to Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) facilities for improved student safety, instruction, and learning. Measure BB requires 55% support to pass. A "YES vote" approves the District's plan to upgrade East County high schools; a "NO vote" rejects the plan. All registered voters residing within GUHSD boundaries, will be eligible to vote on Measure BB.
For more information on Measure BB, click HERE.
Aug 23, 2016
Spirit Week: August 29 - Sept 2
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monday - Jersey Day
Tuesday - Super Hero Day
Wednesday - Beach Day
Thursday - Nation Day
Friday - Super Spirit Day
Friday we will be on an Assembly Bell Schedule.
Spirit Week
College Fair - August 25th
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
College Fair
The One.Org Club - Meetings Every Monday
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Chromebook Distribution: Aug 23 - 26
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monarch Football on KUSI PPR
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monte Vista's Monarch Football Team was featured on KUSI's Prep Pigskin Report (PPR) as they previewed the 2016 football season. The segment featured interviews with senior Jose Gonzalez and senior Jamez McClendon as well as footage of their practice. Click HERE to watch the full segment. Monte Vista's home opener is on Friday, September 2nd at 7:00pm versus Christian High School.
In the News
Remind Messages - Sign Up Now!
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Back to School Info!
Posted on
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Freshman Orientation: 8:00am - 12:30pm in the Gymnasium
Schedule Pick Up: 1:00 - 2:00pm
The Guidance office will also be open Wednesday, August 10th and Thursday, August 11th from 1:00 - 2:30pm to address any scheduling errors; missing periods, duplicate classes etc. This is not for personal schedule requests such as teacher preference, elective change, etc.
Paper schedules not picked up on August 9th will be available before the 1st day of school on Monday, August 15th.
Freshman Orientation
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